Thursday, February 17, 2011

BI DW Resources

美国俄亥俄州教育部的BI 平台
CMS Dashboards Overview (Demo & Sample)
Building SAS OLAP Cubes and Administering Cubes

Cloud Computing
15 most powerful Big Data Companies
Apache Hadoop
10 Hot Cloud Startups to Watch
Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, Cloudera
Cloud market is a land grab as of now, but there is a ton of competition already, including VMware, AWS, Citrix (CloudStack), dinCloud, AppZero, Eucalyptus, Rackspace, OnApp, Piston and many others.

Portal Technology
Microsoft SharePoint is still the most popular. Liferay is pretty good.

CMS.GOV Public Data
MA/Part D Contract and Enrollment Data
Research, Statistics, Data & Systems
CMS IT Dashboards:
Three Key Interview Questions for every company:
Can You Do the Job? – Strengths
Will You Love the Job? -Motivation
Can We Tolerate Working With You? – Fit

Monday, February 14, 2011

After Home Inspection

  1. 卫生间(浴室),连接瓷砖处: Silicone caulking, silicone is more expensive than latex but last longer.
  2. 连接木材处(在外可以粉刷,涂漆): Latex caulking.
  3. Drywall Cracks: Concrete compound caulking (Note: first use a knife tool to enlarge the crack).
  4. How to caulk: First use the little knife tool to remove residue and clean the crack surface, Use shot gun, don't put too much on the crack, use finger tip with some water to wet finger, do it in non-stop manner (一气呵成).
  5. 窗户紧,不易上下移动: Spray some Old English furniture wax.
  6. Woodworking sanders are usually powered electrically. Used to smooth wood surface.