Thursday, September 17, 2015

Horrible 1968

我是1968年出生的, 很想知道这一年在大陆都发生了些什么事情 。恐怖的发现:

邓 拓 人民日报总编辑、杂文家 1966.5.17 服毒致死
吴 晗 北京市副市长、历史学家 1968.10.11 狱中自杀,死前头发被拔光
范长江 著名记者,曾任人民日报社长 1970.10.23 在河南确山跳井身亡
翦伯赞 历史学家 1968.12.18 与妻子戴淑婉服安眠药致死
上官云珠 著名电影演员 1968.11.22 病中跳楼身亡
容国团 中国乒乓球第一个世界冠军 1968.6.20 北京龙潭湖畔上吊自杀
姜永宁 乒乓球国手 1968.5.16 在拘留室上吊自杀
傅其芳 国家乒乓球队教练 1968.4.16. 在北京体育馆自缢而死
熊十力 国学大师 1968.5.24 绝食身亡
顾圣婴 著名女钢琴家 1969.1.31 与母亲弟弟开煤气全家自杀
严凤英 著名黄梅戏演员 1968.4.8 服安眠药死于医院,死后被解剖,造反派试图在她的遗体体内找所谓的发报机。
老 舍 著名作家 1966.8.24 跳北京太平湖溺死
储安平 前光明日报总编 1966年失踪
李翠贞 上海音乐学院钢琴系主任 1966年 开煤气自杀
沈知白 音乐理论家 1968年 自杀
傅 雷 著名翻译家 1966.9.3 与妻子朱梅馥上吊自杀
马连良 京剧表演大师 1966.12.16 在天津全副剧装服毒死

Friday, August 21, 2015

IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
ICRA is the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society's flagship conference and is a premier international forum for robotics researchers to present their work.  The International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) is the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society's biggest conference and one of the leading international forums for robotics researchers to present their work. The 2016 conference will be held 16-21 May 2016 at the Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre in Stockholm, Sweden.

IEEE Robotics and Automation Society

AUTOMATE Conference and Show:
48th     2017     Chicago, USA    
47th     2016     Munich, Germany (21-24 Jun, 2016,  AUTOMATICA 2016)
46th     2015     Chicago, USA
The next ISR will be held in June 2016 at MCM, Munich, Germany. The Gala Dinner with Engelberger Award presentation will be held there, too. The Symposium will be co-located with the exhibition AUTOMATICA, a trade fair for automation technology. IFR member VDMA has the license to run the International Symposium on Robotics.

This is a complete list of all exhibitors at AUTOMATE.2015 Show:
Conference Sponsors:
1: A3
A3 is the umbrella association for Robotic Industries Association (RIA), AIA – Advancing Vision + Imaging, and Motion Control & Motor Association (MCMA). RIA, AIA, and MCMA combined represent some 750 automation manufacturers, component suppliers, system integrators, end users, research groups and consulting firms from throughout the world that are driving automation forward.
2. Ria
Robotics Online is sponsored by Robotic Industries Association, and provides information to help engineers, managers and executives apply and justify robotics and flexible automation. The site includes a Buyer's Guide with a search engine function, plus industry insights, daily news updates, case studies, technical papers, event calendar, job openings, an "Ask the Experts" forum, and much more.
Founded in 1974, RIA is the only trade group in North America organized specifically to serve the robotics industry. Member companies include leading robot manufacturers, users, system integrators, component suppliers, research groups, and consulting firms.
The Leading Global Motion Control Trade Association
Founded in 2006, the Motion Control & Motor Association (MCMA) was developed to advance the global understanding and use of motion control and related automation technologies and to help our members and the industry grow. We are committed to providing support and leadership on common industry issues.

ISR International Symposium on Robotics

More Events:
(1) 28-31 Oct, 2015
Exhibition & Conference
Country: Korea
ROBOTWORLD 2015 is the biggest industrial exhibition in Korea. ROBOTWORLD is centering around robots and automation equipment and also featuring relevant industries such as machinery, metal and industrial materials, thereby ensure the maximum business outcomes for the participants. It's covering all upstream and downstream process industries of robots, automation and even diverse field of service robots. ROBOTWORLD offers business opportunities that will substantially help your business grow.
  • 130,000 visitors and 5,000 foreign buyers 
  • Buyer matching system
  • International robot contest and conference
More information:
(2) 2-5 Dec, 2015
iREX 2015
International Robot Exhibition
City: Tokyo Big Sight
Country: Japan
This show is designed to provide a place to exhibit robots and peripheral equipment in order to enhance market awareness of new technology. At the same time, iREX is to be a medium to promote new products, and to develop new business through contributing the promotion of new technology.
More information:

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Medications to Treat Pollen Allergies

Nasal Steroids
These are drugs you spray into your nose. They relieve congestion, a runny or itchy nose, sneezing, and other symptoms.
Some steroid sprays require a doctor’s prescription, but two of them, fluticasone (Flonase) and triamcinolone (Nasacort), do not. It’s best to start using them before pollen season begins and to keep taking them as long as it lasts. It may take up to a week before your symptoms get better.

These drugs work against the chemical histamine. Your body makes histamine during an allergic reaction, and it causes the symptoms that make you miserable.
Antihistamines are available in pills and nasal sprays. The pills target itching, sneezing, and runny nose. The nasal sprays work on congestion, an itchy or runny nose, and postnasal drip.
Some over-the-counter pills can fight your symptoms for longer. They include:
    Cetirizine (Zyrtec)
    Desloratadine (Clarinex)
    Fexofenadine (Allegra)
    Levocetirizine (Xyzal)
    Loratadine (Claritin, Alavert)
Others can make you feel drowsy, such as:
    Brompheniramine (Dimetapp allergy, Nasahist B)
    Chlorpheniramine (Chlor-Trimeton)
    Clemastine (Tavist)
    Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
You’ll need a prescription to get other types of antihistamines in a nasal spray, including
    Azelastine  (Astelin)
    Azelastine/Fluticasone (Dymista)
    Olopatadine (Patanase)

These drugs unclog your stuffy nose. You can take some types as pills or liquids, like pseudoephedrine. Others come in a nasal spray, like oxymetazoline and phenylephrine.
Don't use the decongestant nasal sprays for more than 3 days in a row, or you might get rebound congestion, which means you get congested all over again.
Remember that decongestants can also cause problems, including increased heart rate and blood pressure. If you have heart problems or high blood pressure, you shouldn’t take them. If you have a prostate problem that makes it hard to urinate, these drugs can make it worse. It’s a good idea to talk to your doctor first to see if a decongestant will work for you.

Allegra-D, Claritin-D, and Zyrtec-D have both an antihistamine and the decongestant pseudoephedrine.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


   我从来不认为我是纯洁无暇的圣人。这个社会有100条或更多的理由指控我有罪,但正如我预料的,你们指控我的罪名在这100条之外,而且制造的罪名非常 不专业。比如说与林彪集团合作。那些为我炮制罪状的人不知道有多少次曾和林彪集团一起密谋杀光所谓的“文人集团”,也就是无产阶级继续革命派。或许几十年 以后,你们会给自己曾经的同谋翻案,同时继续称我为罪人——我会很高兴你们这样做,因为我耻于让另一个懦弱的反革命集团分享我被走资派打击的光荣……
   我知道,我们其中有人会认罪,会痛哭流涕地忏悔,会声泪俱下地揭发自己和林彪集团的合作……这同样在意料之内……历史总会在恰当的时候甩下一些人,因为 他们本来就不配历史赋予他们的责任,更加当不起这份光荣。当然,你们不会因此饶恕这样的人——因为他们的能力限于污辱自己……

Saturday, January 17, 2015


  陈破空说,就生前达到的思想高度而言,赵紫阳高于胡耀邦。在历任中共总书记中,唯有赵紫阳和陈独秀可以相提并论。对民主,陈是先知先觉,赵是后 知后觉。胡耀邦下台,是六四事件的原因,邓小平始料不及;赵紫阳下台,是六四事件的结果,由邓小平一手铸成。如果当权者还没有准备好重评六四,还继续高举 邓小平旗帜,那么,就不能指望他们把重评赵紫阳提上议事日程。
  程晓农认为,胡比较率性,赵则善于以柔克刚,两个人做事都不计较个人得失。胡赵都是党内民主派,主张开明政治;但赵对经济改革的贡献比胡大得 多,后人无法超越。胡赵两人都是光明正大的性格,不搞权术;邓小平有时支持胡赵推动的改革,也起过破坏作用;80年代的改革,功在胡赵。但在阴谋为体、制 度为用的中共政治中,胡赵都被邓小平和保守的老人们搞垮了。这是中国和中国人的悲哀。
  王康认为,共产党领导人的生死沉浮,是现代极权国家的最高机密和非常事件。纪念或不纪念他们,反映的是现实政治状态,折射着当下权力消长和统治 思维的演变。真实的胡赵留存于官方密籍与民间记忆。他们不仅因与六四有特殊联系而名垂青史,而且始终或暗或明地影响着中国。采取厚此薄彼、避实就虚的选择 性纪念,是对亡者的不恭,也是对国人心智的侮辱。能否公正评价胡赵,始终是测试中国趋势的历史尺度。