Monday, June 23, 2008


“I am surprised … not by the skill, I knew the skill of the players was tremendous. They can control, they can pass and they are skillful players,”

“I was surprised by their openness and the way they learned very fast some international principles and laws of the game.”

“It is tremendous to have these experiences,” he said. “It’s those rare moments in the sport where you have to enjoy it. When you can enjoy it, normally you play at your best."

“There’s no secret, I just like to work with young people. If they are ambitious and very skilful, then I’ve got the energy and they give me energy back.”

从他的字里行间中,你可以细细品味希丁克的足球理念和指挥带队的艺术。这场比赛中,不是荷兰人,反而是俄国人在向我们展示什麽是真正的全攻全守。赛前他就毫不掩饰地说:“我们必须进攻,进攻才是最好的防守。” 多么有自信。他们一上来就要与荷兰对攻。你再去问问意大利人,看他们怎么说,多纳多尼会说:“我们首先必须保证不失球,然后见机行事,打人家一个措手不及,或者抓住一个失误,那胜利就是我们的。场面难看不要紧。只要1:0就行。以最小的代价获取最高的回报。”

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