Thursday, June 12, 2008

EURO2008: 06/10/2008




虽然西班牙进了4个球,我依然不看好他们。即使他们小组第一出线,也会止于意大利或法国。2年前的世界杯,西班牙也是大比分赢了前面两个对手,小组头名出线。第二轮碰到了法国。当时我和一大群西班牙球迷在汉诺威现场看球。在同一个旅馆里认识了十几个西班牙球迷,从10点到10点,12个小时,和他们在一起:在大街上,火车站,酒吧,当然还有汉诺威球场里,喝酒,唱歌,跳舞,声音震耳欲聋,像摇滚乐演出一样。西班牙自从先进了一个球以后(也是今天的DAVID VILLA),完全判若两队。输了,真的很同情他们。也不知道怎样安慰才好。

跟咱们中国球迷比比,怎么样?谁更可怜? 大家心知肚明吧。




Unknown said...

Well. I have looked down upon Greece in my e-mail the other day. But I have to agree they are not bad at all. They may not be able to get through Group D. But I watched them playing Sweden. They are not bad.

Totally agree with you on Spain. I said they will get into knock-out stage. But that might be as far as they can go. Russian's defense is pretty bad. Even though, if Russian got ahead in first 15 minutes, who knows what the result will be. I think Spain and Sweden will be the ones to go in Group D.

dsshenry said...

Now it's Spain v Italy. Very interesting. I bet my money on the foxy Italian. Maybe Russian will go through tomorrow.